Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I can cook. I can follow a recipe and the food tastes fine. I am not, however, a chef. I do not have verve. I am not inspired. Each day when it is time to cook it hits me in the face as if it had never happened before. I know that the best weeks are those where I plan on Sunday and shop once and then cook according to plan. That is hell for my husband. He likes the spontaneous cooking. He does not want a planned meal.

Before we had children and we were both working, he was the chef. We often ate late or went out. It was a brutal shock for me when I had this child that needed to be fed something other than breast milk. I did a lousy job with my first kid and I think that is why he is a picky eater now. I fed him the same thing day after day and now he doesn't like very many meals.

I want to eat whole grain healthy foods. I want them to be tasty. I want low sugar, but I still want crunchy cookies. I wish I was better at this. I need someone to guide me in this! Oh one more thing, did I mention that it has to be totally milk free and no beef? I do use goat cheese and soy milk.

I need a personal chef.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life was so much easier when my husband was consulting, because he was home more to cook. Now, our best weeks, too, are those where a week's worth of shopping is done at the weekend and groceries are bought according to 'planned' meals for the week. Since I do the bulk of the cooking during the week, this is the only way it works.

My theory is he who wants 'spontaneous' 'inspired' meals must do the cooking himself, shut up, or eat elsewhere. ;-)